Friday 8 August 2014

" The Agony of Raquel "

One creamy, frothy mug of cappuccino
rests on a faded mauve tabletop.
A soft, pale hand with crimson nails grabs it and sipping,
the warmth fills her with ideas.

"In Paris at a small cafe they met,"
much like the one she finds herself in now.
The radiant blue pen still gliding along,
scrambles to try and keep up with her thoughts.

She rests for one minute,
pausing to follow the second hand on the clock.
The tacky faded green walls seem to close in,
as she silently grieves.

Then from a blue sky, a tear departs.
Unnoticed, it cascades towards the paper.
Splattering ink, confusing words,
soaking up emptiness.

She could've been an author, if she'd tried.
But now, she too blends in with the scenery.
Quietly folding up her notebook,
she leaves her future behind and heads for the past.

Written by anonymous